Trick Yourself into Saving Thousands of Dollars!

Whenever you have a spare note with you, put it into the Cashbox, whilst crossing out the matching number & before you even realize it - congratulations, you have saved enough for your next big purchase!

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  • Awaited Holiday

    "we are a lower-class family and taking them for a holiday has been my goal for years now, I've started using this box to save those spare bills and without even noticing filled it up quickly so we finally managed to go on our awaited holiday!" - Gregory

  • First Trip

    "finally, I was able to save up for my first ever trip, using the saving box I was able to spend less on the useless stuff and for the first time use those spare bills for a bigger goal.." - Josh

  • New Car!

    "tricking my mind into putting some spare bills to the saving-box that you would spend on random stuff, actually helped us on our new car purchase <3" - Susan

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